Bee box machining center

A machine for forming bee box components from wooden stock members by grouping the members in a single row and indexing them past several work stations at which the members are formed into the box components. The row of engaged members pass by the first cutting station where end grooves are cut in opposite ends of the individual members as they pass by. Guide bars then are received within the grooves and support the members as they are moved along to a second cutting station. At this station, angularly oriented milling heads form grooves along the longitudinal side edges of the stock members. The row is moved along in increments by an indexing mechanism that receives successive individual stock members from a feed mechanism. The indexing mechanism also includes a drilling assembly that functions to form longitudinally spaced holes through the members as they are received and indexed forwardly. Thus, the members enter the machine as rectangular blanks and leave a discharge end of the machine finished bee box components.
Bees inspire us every day, including when we hit the wood working table. We designed this bee box machining center to mimic a comb cell—a shape bees instinctively employ for its strength and efficiency.
This is the best time to get your own bee box machining center and see our new and improved joinery for yourself.




    Bee box machining center

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